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Thornford Twinning Association

The TTA was formed in 1995 by a small but enthusiastic group of adults, who shared a zest for the French way of life, and a strong liking for French food, wines and, above all, the people. That year contact was made with the Mayor of the Normandy village of Hudimesnil, not far from Granville, who was also enthusiastic about the idea of a link


Every year there are opportunities for twinners on both sides of the Channel to visit one another and many lasting friendships have been formed. These visits usually take place when special events have been planned. In July there is the annual Barbecue held in the garden of Gerard Clement, Chairman of the French group. Then, at the end of November, there is the Fete Noel and annual dinner-dance.


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Turning now to some of the activities Thornford has put on for our French visitors. Last year we arranged to visit Wraxall Vineyard which proved to be a very popular venue.  Our host generously invited us all into his bar – we were a large group but nevertheless were offered several excellent wines to sample!


At the annual Thornford Horticultural Show there is an Onion Competition between the TTA and Hudimesnil for a special trophy. Several of the French twinners like to come over as it’s hotly contested! We often organize entertainment for our visitors afterwards; one year after dinner in the Village Hall we had the ‘Sherbavarian Stompers,’ who were absolutely hilarious. 


2015 saw the 20th anniversary of our Twinning Association when we were invited to celebrate with our French friends at Fecamp. Highlights included a day spent at the Benedictine Abbey, where we were offered tiny glasses of this delicious liqueur.  Returning to our hotel that evening, we enjoyed a wonderful celebration dinner hosted by the French, which included singing to each other (as they do love a singsong), and with some beautiful gifts being exchanged between the two villages via the chairmen, Gerard and Trevor.


During the year we also organize at least one Quiz night with supper to help raise funds, sometimes jointly with the Yeovil twinning group, and there is also a biennial Walk for those who enjoy the rigors and the fresh air. In 2016 those taking part will start out from Thornford and walk to Poole, travel across on the ferry and finally walk to Hudimesnil.


For several years now we have had a very well supported exchange of pupils in Years 5 & 6 at Thornford Primary School with children of the same age at the Primary School in Hudimesnil.

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If you would like any further information, or would like to join us, please contact either Trevor Rogers, Chairman, on 01935 873017, or Madeleine Harvey, Secretary, on 01935 873358.

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