Thornford Community Hub

The Hub was inaugurated in October 2021, to provide a community centre for the residents of Thornford and beyond to socialise with friends and neighbours both old and new.
It is open to everyone, young and old, male and female, and many friendships have been formed in the years since it was started.
The Hub has gone from strength to strength and around 30 people visit each week. All sorts of ideas, plans and information is shared whilst catching up on local news and views.
There are opportunities to improve your art, play Mah-Jong or take part in a craft activity. You can swap a book or jigsaw and pick up a copy of the Sherborne Times.
The local Ukulele group and the children of Thornford Primary School have provided musical entertainment, and motor bikers from the village have shown (and allowed us to sit on!) their bikes, both vintage and new. These are just a few of the occasional guests who come along to share their interests and local knowledge.
There is garden produce to share, when in season, and a representative from 'Tools for Self Reliance' visits to collect unwanted tools, which are sold (to provide funds), or sent to Africa for use by people who are in need of tools. Used postage stamps and donations for the Sherborne Food Bank are also collected.
The Hub is open from 10am to 11.30am every Wednesday. There is a small charge per person for refreshments which includes drink refills. Dogs are also provided for outside, with water and doggy treats!
It's a vibrant and happy place to spend a Wednesday morning so come along and give it a try!
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